Friday, June 14, 2013

The Wheels on the Bus.

As summer rolls in I find myself slowing down a bit. Normally I'd rush in and welcome the sunshine and swimming but now summer also brings my youngest boys birthday. Sigh. While I'm super excited to celebrate for my little man, it's always bittersweet to watch your little ones grow up, right? Next month Gavin will be two and I'm not quite sure I'm ready for that big number yet. He is my youngest boy and my 'baby' if you will, which means he needs to stay a baby. Like forever. But somehow I don't see things playing out that way though, so instead I've succumbed to planning a birthday bash filled with balloons, cake and tears for Mama. Last year we celebrated Gavin's first with a picnic style setup at the park. We hauled off all the decorations and set up at tables under a covered patio near the playground. Our friends and family braved the heat and joined us for an extremely hot and fun filled celebration. We chose to kick off with a 'Wheels on the Bus' themed party because since I can remember, the only thing that calmed Gavin in those crazy crying fits was when we'd sing that song. This year I don't have a plan yet but I've recently seen a great kids birthday based off of a favorite children's book so it's definitely gotten the wheels turning.

Here's a few photos from Gavin's first birthday last summer, if you'd like to see!

Gramma made a big cake and cupcakes to go with the theme! 
(the lighting made this look orange, but I swear it was 'school bus yellow')
School Bus cupcakes...STOP.
One of my best friend's, Christy came early to help decorate with streamers, balloons, and school bus signs!
We made School Bus water too!
Eric built this awesome 'BUS' photo booth that was a huge hit with kids and grown ups alike!
Gavin had a great first birthday, but now it's on to bigger and better things...
Bring it on two!


  1. I know what this means...! Number 4!

    1. Number 4?? As in my fourth cup of coffee today? Because I KNOW you're not suggesting I have ANOTHER child :P

  2. I understand COMPLETELY! Carter JUST turned two and I was NOT happy about it! :-( Good Luck!

    1. Yes! So you know exactly how it feels :) so bittersweet...

  3. super decor...could u please give some idea on how did u make the bus photobooth
