Saturday, September 21, 2013

Johnny Boys.

This weekend Eric and I took our three boys, along with their Nana, out to the local apple farm for a beautiful Fall day. It was perfect apple picking weather... Warm sun, cool breeze, a perfect blend of the things I love. We started off with a tractor pulled wagon ride for a tour of 'our' farm and got to hear the rundown on the history of it all. I actually found that part pretty interesting as I didn't realize we sort of own the farm. Out city bought the orchards a few years back to save it from being turned into 178 houses and now it's community owned and run.  How cool is that?? It's run strictly by volunteers with the exception of the apple growing guy, because without him, there'd be no apples! In all my years visiting the place the past tours usually just point out which apples were where so I liked the new found information this other guy shared. Thanks, volunteer Bob! He even sparked interest with the kiddos and afterwards we spoke to someone about volunteering as a family to come help out sometime! Can't you see my little munchkins scooping up those seconds under the trees? We can't wait!

After our wagon ride we headed out to the orchards to get to pickin'! And who knew my boys were such serious pickers? They had those bags filled in a second. Luckily Eric took the time to dump them out and sort through the yucky ones so we could refill and teach them how to check the apple first. And one volunteer explained how to 'twist and pull' which we tried to remember too. Throughout all the picking I think it's safe to say that everyone's favorite part was climbing the apple trees. Which you're probably not supposed to do, so don't tell anyone that part! But it's true, nonetheless. The boys were sneaking under the branches and shimmying up through as we heard little apples falling to the ground. Then out of nowhere we'd see a little face pop through somewhere in the middle and they were so proud they'd made it up there. Even Gavin got up there with a little help from his Daddy! Because of all this apple talk and being that we were in an apple orchard and all, I had to mention our good friend, Johnny Appleseed. Who's not really our good friend but a neighborhood legend I suppose. As I continued to cheer on my boys I began telling them I should have brought pots for them to wear on their heads just like Johnny did! Of course they wanted to run with the idea and every time they climbed a tree following that they'd yell, "Look Mom, were the Johnny boys!!" And so they were and we finished our day with lots of memories, laughs and thanks to my mother the hoarder, lots of apples. Here's some photos from our day in the orchard if you'd like to see...

Tuesday, September 3, 2013


You're off to great places,
today is your day!
Your mountain is waiting,
so...get on your way!

And will you succeed?
YES! You will, indeed!
(98 and 3/4 percent guaranteed.)

~Dr. Seuss (and Mom)